Are Starbursts Gluten-free?

Yes, if you’re in the US, Canada or the UK! If you’re in Australia or New Zealand, then the answer is, unfortunately, no.

There they use wheat starch as a thickener, and wheat is one of the sources for the glucose syrup they use.

This information is correct as of November 2021.


It’s important to keep in mind that recipes can change from time to time and that there are going to be times where an ingredient may not be readily available, so the company swaps an ingredient that may contain gluten.

Learn to check labels before purchasing products. Even if the product was gluten-free last week, it may not be gluten-free this week. It’s easy to accidentally ingest gluten if you’re not keeping a close eye on those ingredient lists.

Learn terms such as “may have been processed on machinery that processes gluten”. If you’re highly sensitive to gluten this could be a huge trigger for your gluten reaction.

And… beware if celiac!

Even though Starbursts don’t use any gluten-containing ingredients in the US, Canada or UK, they’re not labeled as gluten-free.

That means that they haven’t been tested to be gluten-free, and if you react to trace amounts of gluten, then this could be an issue for you.

For products to legally be labeled as gluten-free in the United States, they must first meet the FDA requirements of being less than 20ppm gluten. When products are less than 20ppm gluten, they may be labeled as gluten-free.

If you’re worried about cross-contamination, it’s always better to find candy that’s labeled gluten-free.

Or make your own candy! I have several recipes and they’re all gluten-free.

Here are some of my favorites:

Why Does This Even Matter?

Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, barley, and rye. It’s used in making dough to make it more elastic and stretchy. Added to bread products while making the dough, gluten ensures that the ingredients will bind together properly.

Unfortunately, some people have gluten sensitivity or have celiac disease. Eating gluten for these people is unhealthy and dangerous.

The results can be gut and digestive issues, hives, skin issues, joint pain, and more. There is no cure for gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, the only way to avoid the reaction to gluten is to avoid gluten itself.

Learning to quickly identify triggers is important when you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Hence the question, “Are Starbusts gluten-free?”

I hope I’ve answered your question. :) If you have any others, leave a comment below, and I’ll be happy to help answer them.