Avocado adds an awesome creaminess to this refreshing and healthy raspberry banana smoothie!

First of all, I promise you can’t taste the avocado! It magically just blends in with the other fruit. If you want to taste the avocado, just add more avocado and less banana. That way it stays just as creamy. And for a dairy-free and vegan version, leave out the yogurt and use almond milk or soy milk or whatever you like! It’ll still be pretty thick without the yogurt.
I got the idea of adding avocados to my smoothies from The Baltic Maid. Thanks to her for making it easier for me to eat green stuff! This Healthy Green Smoothie also looks great.
This isn’t much of a recipe. Just throw stuff in the food processor or blender and that’s it. Add more fruit, less fruit, different fruit, it doesn’t matter. :) And this raspberry avocado smoothie keeps well for about 24 hours, in case you can’t finish it all at once. I usually double the recipe and love having one ready as soon as I roll out of bed the next morning!

In these raspberry banana avocado smoothie you get four or five servings of fruit (I wish avocados counted as vegetables!) and yogurt. It’s an awesome way to start off the day in a healthy way or to cool off after a day of running around outside!
Have you ever made a smoothie with avocados? I’d love to hear what fruit you used, if you did! I’m kind of in love with avocado smoothies that don’t taste like avocados at the moment. :) I think my brain is programmed to automatically programmed to dislike and reject anything that tastes “green.” So I need to hide the “green” taste, if that makes any sense!

Raspberry Banana Avocado Smoothie

- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- Ready in:
- Yield: 1 large serving
- 1 cup frozen raspberries (about 130 grams)
- 1/2 avocado (mine was a Hass but you can use any type; mine weighed 130 grams)
- 1 banana, peeled and chopped into 1/2" pieces and frozen
- 1 cup (250 grams) plain yogurt (coconut milk yogurt for the paleo / vegan version)
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- honey / Stevia / sugar / whatever sweetener you like
- additional milk, optional
- Blend all ingredients in your blender, food processor or with an immersion blender. My blender can’t handle recipes without lots of liquid, so I have to do this one in the food processor.
- Add sweetener to taste. If you don't add the banana you will definitely have to add some sweetener to this smoothie. With the banana, I never add any sweetener.
- If the smoothie is too thick for you, add milk.
67 comments on “Raspberry Banana Avocado Smoothie (paleo, vegan options)” — Add one!
Great smoothie Erin. Dried dates or prunes are also a good substitute to use a sweetener instead of stevia/honey,etcetera…
Thanks for the tip! And so happy you liked the smoothie. Thanks for your comment. :)
Absolutely great ideas, congratulations !
One can freeze bananas and also avocados ?
You are fully right, I will prefer smoothies with avocados from now on !
I just bought a “Vitamix 750” and am trying out recipes.
You are looking for an acceptable green Smoothie? I will try out quite a few ones and will send you the recipe. Until now, my green smoothies taste, as if I would have put in my whole lawn including the bugs. But by the way, the newest kitchen consist of worms and flies and they are very good and crispy !!! Wau…yak…..Yes, I saw a show with chefs, who are cooking with all these creatures and the people like it !! Regards, Renate
I hope you find a good green smoothie! Fresh spinach and kale is hard to find where I live and green smoothies are disgusting with the frozen stuff so I haven’t tried that many. And worms and flies sounds like it’s not for me. I don’t even like veggies. ;) I hope you have lots of fun trying out your new Vitamix and that you can try out some avocado smoothies. :)
This is a lot like the strawberry/yogurt/banana smoothie I have as my trusty ‘ole standby.
I’ve also found different Greek yogurts vary *widely* in calorie count, and I’ve settled on Trader Joe’s vanilla (5 oz of reg, not lo-fat) for taste (reg is MUCH better than lo/non-fat), consistency (nice & thick, about like sour cream) and calorie count. I also add just a small dash of salt, and a cap & a half of vanilla. The banana makes the sweetness just right, and texture perfect.
Now, adding half of an avocado (which is right about 2 to 2.5 oz of one the size we usually have around here), adds another 100-150 calories to what came in right around 16 oz of liquid and 405 calories, pre-avocado. But 500 calories in the AM pretty much means laying off anything else until early afternoon.
I’m happy that you liked the smoothie! In Germany, we only have full-fat Greek yogurt so I don’t have much variety there but when I do move back to the US, I’ll definitely try the kind from Trader Joe’s. And this definitely isn’t the lowest calorie smoothie. Currently I just use bananas, raspberries and Greek yogurt and I toss in a little avocado if I have one going bad. It’s already creamy enough from the bananas. :) Thanks for the feedback!
I was searching specifically for smoothies using avocado when I saw this,which looks delicious! I hope eventually we Americans will learn that fat–of the healthy variety–is good for us; especially good for our brains! (Unlike what we’ve been taught over only
the past 60 years or so.) I’m glad I discovered this truth. I’ve lost 50 pounds in a fairly short time on a high-fat, low carb diet (have another 40 to go) and I’m not hungry because of all the healthy fats in my diet. I’ve also lost my food cravings. I actually try to eat an avocado a day–along with plenty of coconut and olive oil, and butter…and sweet or sour cream. And nuts. Yum! Your recipe is just what I’ve been looking for. Thank you!
You’re welcome! I hope you’ll enjoy it. :) And yes – I’m happy more and more people are coming to realize that healthy fat is a good thing. Thanks for your comment and I hope you’ll enjoy the smoothie!
The first time I tried this smoothie I followed the recipe than started to experiment by adding a little more or different yogurts or fruit. Tonight I put 1 heaping cup of yogurt (I used strawberry and raspberry), some milk, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 avocado, 1 mango, 2 bananas, 2 pears, 1 cup of frozen rasberries. Talk about delic! I usually make it late at night and have a cup and then I have 2 for the next morning. I’m loving this avocado thing! I have a love for them to begin with but adding them to the smoothies is amazing! Love it!
I love your latest smoothie creation! I’ve never heard of pears in smoothies. Definitely sounds interesting, though! And I do the making-them-at-night-thing, too. It’s great to wake up to a smoothie all ready to go! Thanks so much for the feedback. :)
I’ve literally just made this, and it’s lovely! I used fresh fruit (we have raspberries growing in the garden) and flavoured yoghurt as that was what I had in the house.
Tastes fantastic – so creamy!! And it’s a lovely pink colour
I’m happy you enjoyed it! And lucky you… raspberries from the garden. I can only imagine how lovely that must be. :) Thanks so much for the feedback!